* As The World Turns Recaps: The week of January 8, 2001 on ATWT | Soap Central

As The World Turns Recaps: The week of January 8, 2001 on ATWT

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As The World Turns Recaps: The week of January 8, 2001 on ATWT
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the week of January 8, 2001
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Monday, January 8, 2001

Molly went to Jake's apartment to talk to him about seeing Vicky's ghost. He wouldn't let himself believe what he had seen in the apartment. Molly told him that she wanted to see the tape that the ghost buster had made of him talking with Vicky. Jake told her that Adam had given him the tape, but he'd thrown it in the trash because he'd felt like he was being taken. He told Molly that the ghost buster people were con artists. They made people think they were seeing their loved ones by using smoke and mirrors.

Molly asked Jake how the ghost buster had gotten Vicky's voice on tape if that was the case. Jake gave her the tape, and she sat down to watch it. The only thing on the tape was Jake talking to thin air. He was more convinced than ever that the ghost buster had taken him for a fool. Molly told him that she thought he wouldn't believe that he'd seen Vicky's ghost because he did not want to believe that she was dead. Jake called her crazy for thinking that way.

Molly told Jake to make contact with Vicky again and ask her what she wanted. She added that he needed to do it so they could get on with their lives. She kissed him and left the apartment. After she was gone, Vicky appeared and put her hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at her. He said, "You came back. What do you want?" She answered, "I want you to believe in me."

Katie confronted Lily about following her and Simon on their honeymoon. Katie warned her that if the INS found out that Lily had been there with them, they could all be in big trouble. Lily said that Katie had no proof that she had been there. Katie told her about the bracelet, and Lily demanded that she give the bracelet back. Katie said that she had thrown it at Simon in the INS office and walked out.

Lily got upset and told Katie that Agent Halowell wanted her to act like that so he could catch them. Katie told Lily to just back off. She said that she had two years to prove to Simon that she was a better woman for him than Lily. Katie said that with all Lily's mother's money and her social standing, she had turned into a big slut. Lily slapped Katie and told her to leave. Katie wouldn't leave until Lily gave up on Simon. Lily told her that the INS agents could have followed her there, and they were all going to be in big trouble.

Katie said that if Lily didn't back off, she could always turn on Lily and Simon. Katie said that she would tell the INS that she had been pressured into the marriage so Simon and Lily could stay together. Katie said that she thought it was legally called immunity from prosecution. Lily called Katie a bitch, and Katie said that Lily should be careful; she wouldn't want to get Katie mad. Katie left, and Lily went to the phone and started to dial. She saw a picture of her and Holden on the desk. She picked up the photo and hung up the phone.

Rose was visiting her father, and a letter was delivered. Joe told Rose that the letter was information for Holden about his horse that he suspected was stolen. Rose wanted to take it to Holden, and Joe gave her a lecture about messing with a married man. She told him that the marriage was pretty much over. Joe told her that she only saw and heard what she wanted to. Rose grabbed the letter and told her father that she knew what she was doing. She grabbed her coat and left.

At the farm, Holden and Luke had just finished riding their horses, and Luke started questioning Holden about him moving back into their house. Holden said that he couldn't return just then. Luke said that Holden could stay in his room with him. He told Holden that he missed him, and his mommy couldn't tell a bedtime story like his dad did. Luke asked if Holden still loved his mommy. Holden tried to explain the different types of love, and Luke asked if Holden would love his mommy like he had before.

Rose walked in and heard the conversation between Luke and Holden. She told Luke she had some brownies for him and had left them in the car. Luke ran out to get them, and Holden thanked her for saving him from answering the tough questions. Rose told Holden that she hoped he understood that she'd never wanted to hurt the children, and she hoped that he didn't hold it against her that his marriage had broken up. Holden said she was not the reason that he and Lily had broken up. He said that their marriage had been in trouble way before she had entered their lives.

Holden took out a box with a big gold bow on it and told Rose that he'd bought it for Lily for their anniversary when Rose had been playing Lily. She said that she hadn't gotten him anything. He told her to open it. She opened the box, and it was the dictionary she had wanted to work on her vocabulary. She told him she loved it and would start to work on how she talked. Holden told her not to change too much -- he liked the way she talked.

Rose smiled at Holden then remembered why she'd gone out to the farm. She pulled the envelope from her coat pocket and told Holden it was from her father and contained information about Flashdance. Holden opened the envelope and said it was important. He asked Rose to stay with Luke until Emma returned, and he left.

At Java Underground, Simon sat at the bar, having a drink. He picked up the phone at the bar and called Katie. Katie was not home, and he left her a message, asking her if she was doing okay. Lyla walked in and heard Simon's message. He hung up, and she told him that it was sweet of him to care about Katie. She sat down and said that she had asked to meet with him because she was leaving and wanted to talk to him about Katie.

Lyla tried to explain about Katie and losing her father at a young age; she felt like Katie was trying to replace her father with the first man that happened along. Simon told Lyla that it had to have been difficult for her and Katie, and he thanked her for the insight into how Katie was feeling. Simon and Lyla left, and Holden walked in. He walked over to Isaac and said that he had been trying to contact Isaac. Isaac replied that he was a very busy man. Holden revealed that he had just found out that he'd bought a horse with forged papers. Isaac asked what that meant to him. Holden said, "You know what it means, and I want the truth, now!"

Katie got home and found that Simon had bought dinner for them. She apologized for getting mad at him at the INS office. She said that she was just very afraid that she was going to end up in jail. Simon promised her that nobody would be going to jail. She said that if Lily didn't stop following them, they would end up there. He took her in his arms and hugged her. He said, "I promise you that everything is going to be all right." Katie got a big, happy smile on her face.

Rose went back to her father's apartment and told him that he was very wrong about Holden. She said that he didn't hold her responsible for his marriage breaking up, and she said, "Pops, he is so head over heels in love with me -- he just won't admit it!"

Tuesday, January 9, 2001

Vicky visited Jake, and he asked her what she wanted. She touched him, and he could feel her that time. He took her hand and put it on his chest. They kissed, and Vicky started to get weak. She asked Jake to please let her go. She told him that she was walking in limbo. She couldn't go over to the other side until he gave up on her and let her go. As she spoke, she started to fade then she disappeared. Jake yelled out, "Don't leave me alone!"

In Craig Montgomery's suite, Carly got ready to leave. Craig told her to be back on time to do the deal on the microchips. Carly said that she was going to visit her cousin and would be back in plenty of time. As she left, she told Craig that she was just as anxious to get the deal done as he was, and she walked out the door.

After Carly left, there was a knock at the door. Craig opened the door, and Lisa was standing there. Craig invited her in and asked what the pleasure of her visit was. She held out a check with lots of zeros on it and said it was his lucky day. She informed him that she was buying out his share in Java Underground. Craig told her that his share was not for sale. He added that not many people were standing in line to be in partnership with Isaac.

Lisa got mad at Craig and told him that the citizens of Oakdale were not going to stand by and let him stomp all over someone that they loved. She told him that he should be more interested in saving his son from jail. Craig showed her to the door, but before she walked out the door, she made Craig take the check. He slammed the door, threw the check on the desk, and said that his son was not going to jail.

There was another knock on the door, and Craig yelled to Lisa that he was not in the mood to put up with her. When he opened the door, Hal was standing there and said, "I am not Lisa." Hal was not in a good mood, and he asked if Barbara was there. Craig said that Barbara was not there, and Hal could search the apartment. Hal said that he would, and he walked in the apartment and started to look around. Craig asked if Hal was having trouble on the home front.

Hal started to head to the door, and Craig asked if he was leaving so soon. Hal walked back over to Craig. Craig said that he and Barbara were friends, and she did stop by from time to time. He added that Barbara trusted him, and he thought that Hal should give him a break. Hal said that Barbara only trusted him because she didn't know what he really was. Craig said that if Hal would drop the charges against Craig's son, then Craig would drop Barbara, and Hal could have her back.

Hal said that the only thing he was going to do would be to rearrange Craig's face. Craig warned Hal about threatening him, and Hal declared the conversation over. Hal turned and left, leaving the door open as he went. Craig said that was great, and he walked over and closed the door then picked up the phone and called Barbara. He invited Barbara over for dinner, and at first she said that she shouldn't then she gave in and said that she would be right over.

Holden was at Java Underground and was grilling Isaac about the forged papers on the horse that Holden had purchased. Isaac told him to leave it alone. Holden said that he was worried about his daughter owning a horse that might be stolen. Isaac said to just enjoy the horse and not worry about it. He said that he'd taken a knife in the chest for the horse getting into the wrong hands, and Holden just needed to forget about it.

Holden wouldn't leave it alone. He told Isaac that he wanted a name. Isaac said that the only name he had was Mr. Phillips, and he was in jail. Holden wrote down the name then he left. Jake walked in, and Isaac said that he looked like he had seen a ghost. Jake questioned Isaac about the wedding band that he had found that had belonged to Vicky. Isaac shared what he knew about the ring, and Jake left.

As Jake left, Lisa walked in. She went over to the bar to see Isaac, who was pouring himself a drink. She told him to pour two, one for her. She told him that they needed to celebrate. He poured Lisa a drink and asked what they were celebrating. Lisa told him that she had given Craig Montgomery a check for his share in Java Underground. Isaac was very happy, and they clinked glasses and took a drink to celebrate.

Carly visited Molly, and Molly filled her in on the latest with Jake and his late wife/ghost. Molly told Carly about seeing the love in his eyes when he'd spoken with Vicky's ghost. Molly said that she just didn't know what to do next. She felt like she and Jake needed to take a break from each other. Carly thought up a brilliant idea. She said that Molly and Abigail should move out, which would give Jake time to be alone and think about his dead wife.

Molly was not too sure about Carly's plan. She said that she didn't want to lose him for life. Carly said that Jake would act in the opposite direction. She felt that after Jake had some time alone, he would beg Molly and Abigail to move in with him for sure. Molly decided to give it a try. Carly started to leave, and Molly warned her to be careful in the upcoming big transaction. Carly left, and Molly started to pack.

Later, Jake walked in, and Molly walked toward him with her bags packed. Jake asked her if she was running away from home. Molly said that was part of the problem; it was not her home. She told him that she had been seeing Vicky and believing in her ghost, and Jake had been fighting it all the way. Jake told her that after what had happened that day, he was a believer.

Barbara arrived at Craig's suite, and he had Champagne on ice. Craig poured her a glass of Champagne and handed it to her. He told her that he did not want her to be playing Hal against him. Barbara said that she would not do that, and she did not want to get between him and Hal. Barbara informed Craig that she and Hal were splitting up. She asked him not to say anything to Bryant because they had not told the children yet.

Craig said that he should say that he was sorry, but he wasn't. He asked if she wanted him to order some food. She said that she was not hungry. He said that he wasn't hungry, either -- at least not for food. He went over to her, and they kissed. Craig led her over to the couch. He lay down, she lay on top of him, and they started kissing again. Carly walked in and saw the two kissing, and she got a look on her face like she had just seen the most disgusting thing ever.

Wednesday, January 10, 2001

Jake confided in Molly that he had seen Vicky's ghost again -- he'd become a believer. Jack was furious when Isaac refused to sign his statement against Bryant. Carly spied Barbara and Craig kissing, and after hearing Craig denigrate her, Carly called Hal and asked for a meeting. Bryant turned over Ruby's letter to Tom and Margo, but they were dubious about its usefulness in his case. Isaac told Jack the reason he was so involved in the case wasn't because of Craig; it was because of Carly. When Barbara boldly asked Craig if he was involved with her because of Hal, he admitted he was.

Carly reluctantly told Hal about seeing his wife embracing Craig. Jake told Molly he'd touched Vicky and had been able to feel her. Abigail was upset when Molly told her they were moving back to Molly's apartment. Bryant identified one of Ruby's cohorts in the police mug shots. Craig clarified to Barbara that he was interested in her because of Hal, but not in the way she thought -- he was interested because her husband didn't appreciate her. Carly proposed to Hal that she wear a wire to trap Craig, in exchange for Hal granting her joint custody of Parker.

A skeptical Hal agreed to Carly's proposition, but Carly imposed one condition -- Hal needed to keep Jack in the dark about her role in Craig's investigation. An uneasy Molly allowed Abigail to convince her to stay at Jake's. Jake later proclaimed to Molly that his future was with her -- he wanted to be a family. Furious to find Jennifer in Bryant's arms at the police station, Hal grabbed his daughter and took her home, leaving Carly to wait anxiously for his return.

When Jennifer sensed that Hal and Barbara were on the verge of splitting up again, Hal promised that he would keep the family together once the investigation of Craig was over. Barbara overheard and snapped at Hal not to make promises he couldn't keep. Jack spied Carly loitering at his desk and asked her what she was doing at the police station.

Thursday, January 11, 2001

Jack and Carly got her prepared to get the goods on Craig by using a wire, however, Julia walked into police headquarters and saw Jack and Carly holding each other. Julia had wanted to tell Jack she'd felt their baby kick. However, an overreacting Julia left, but Jack and Carly had just been adjusting the wire. That, however, ended when Carly and Jake kissed after rehashing the past between them.

Molly woke up to Vicky's voice and Abigail crying for help. Molly ran into the other room and then heard Jake calling her back, however, Vicky told her to find the girl, who turned out to be Abigail at age four being alone in a hurricane. Jake overheard Molly and Abigail talking and Molly admitting to not being able to compete with Vicky. Jake reassured her she didn't have to. They all discussed Vicky, and they interpreted the dream as Vicky wanting them to work together.

Hal and Barbara decided to tell Jennifer they were separating when Barbara walked in on Hal telling Jennifer everything would be okay when the investigation concluded. Jennifer told them she'd felt responsible for the breakup the first time and admitted she'd changed to make things work, however, she had begun to view a breakup as a way to make up new rules in that there were no rules. Hal and Barbara both disagreed but Jennifer reminded them she would be 18 soon. Hal took the blame for the breakup, and Barbara thanked him. However, Hal really did not view her as the reason for the breakup. Barbara thanked him again.

Friday, January 12, 2001

Hal warned Barbara that her "boyfriend," Craig, would be going to jail that night and that she would regret ending their marriage. After a heated argument, Hal challenged Barbara to admit the truth -- that she'd been sleeping with Craig and having an affair with him. The only question was how long it had been going on. Barbara again denied the affair, but Hal admitted he had a hard time believing anything she told him anymore. Jennifer overhead part of their conversation and was furious with her mother. She called Barbara a slut and said she was not only being unfaithful to her husband, she was betraying the entire family.

At the police station interrogation room, Jack let his guard down and began kissing Carly passionately. He eventually pulled away, stating that even though he still wanted her, they couldn't act on their feelings. He insisted they concentrate on getting Craig's confession on tape once she was wired. As they were leaving, Jack was stunned to realize Julia had been there to give him coffee and might have witnessed his and Carly's embrace. Meanwhile, a distraught Julia called the Lakeview to request that a handwritten note be delivered to Craig Montgomery.

Once a wired Carly arrived at the Lakeview, Craig questioned her about her whereabouts. Carly lied and told him she'd been with Parker instead of Jack. She tried unsuccessfully to get Craig to confess to his part in the microchip exchange. Suddenly, a hotel employee interrupted them to deliver Julia's note. The message read, "She's wearing a wire!".

Consumed with guilt about what she had done, Julia called Jack while he was staking out Craig's suite and admitted to sending the note to Craig. She warned him that Craig knew the truth about Carly's deception. A disbelieving Jack was shocked and angry that Julia would do such a reckless thing in order to hurt Carly and hinder their investigation. Meanwhile, when an unsuspecting Carly kept pressing Craig for details of the microchip transaction, he asked her point-blank if she was there to betray him.



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